We have had 3 cows calve in the last couple of weeks. This has brought us up to 5 milkers as we're still milking the two we milked through the winter. This means cheese making is picking up with the excess milk production. Yay! Cheese!
The grass has finally taken off growing and suddenly it's trying to get away from us. We may even be able to make some hay for ourselves. There are two pastures, 20 acres worth, that could, possibly be hayed.
The garden is falling behind due to the sheer volume of things to do and I'm getting closer and closer to my own due date of July 4th. But I'm trying to make progress. If anything, we'll have lots of potatoes and onions. I'm trying to get green beans planted and have made some progress in that regard.
Otherwise, we have 300ish meat birds growing and goslings hatching. A friend of ours is incubating 60 Silver Appleyard duck eggs for us. So MAYBE we'll have duck and goose to sell this year as well. I have 5 goslings and two broody hens are sitting on 16 eggs between them. Another dozen are being incubated for us. Just a ton going on.
My kerosene incubator is on the back burner for now but still will happen just maybe next year so we can start hatching our own meat bird chicks.
The pictures below are of our calf feeding/training bucket. It's a Kiwi system (meaning it hails from New Zealand, geniuses when it comes to 100% grassfed dairy). The nipples are halfway up the bucket and hoses go down into the milk.Technically, this bucket is meant for two calves. But I've been feeding three. Works fine. I add milk until gone then pour a gallon of water in toward the end. This cleans the system out to a small degree. It gets washed every once in awhile and a lid is left on when not in use. All in all, I like this waaay better than bottles.