Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Breeds of Cattle: Milking Shorthorn

Something I'll always remember about this breed is what my father said when I'd told him we bought a couple Milking Shorthorn heifers ... WHAT! Are you looking to be kicked to death?! My mother protested and said they were just fine for milking. I'm less than impressed with their kicking skills so far.

Though we no longer have our first MS cows we still have a daughter of one. She's a Jersey X but my best and most favorite cow! Her mother was a pain! Not in the kicking realm but rather the not doing as told. Man she was difficult! Her daughter has her own idiosyncrasies but it makes me want to cry at the thought of selling her. I walk out to her anywhere and I can sit down her untied without grain and milk her! Her lactation curve is very flat and she has longevity. Milked her for over a year once. We have another Ayrshire X we acquired recently. She has similar disposition but isn't quite as calm. I'll let y'all know my thoughts on Ayrshires later.

The biggest problem is that they have been heavily crossed with Holsteins. This hasn't done them any favors. And to find native MS is near impossible. If I had native I'd keep them pure otherwise I view the Milking Shorthorn as an excellent mix in cross breeding with Jersey in particular.

As for their milk, they are a cheese breed NOT a butter breed. I found it good for drinking and making cheese. You will get cream just not like a Jersey.

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