Sunday, April 8, 2012

Water, Water Everywhere ...

Remembering that you can't rely on the attentiveness of a child seems to have to be regularly reminded. I sent my 5 yr old to fill water containers and I'm glad I had to go outside and happened to go past the water tank... he'd left the valve on and ran 20ish gallons onto the ground. You see, we take a 250 gallon tank to town about once a month to fill at the water dump station. Takes about $2.00 in quarters to fill.

This probably raises numerous questions about our water situation. Or maybe no one cares, lol, but I'll share anyway. We don't have a well... yet. It's in the works for this year BEFORE we need to water the garden. Last summer was brutal. We were in the drought area with 100+ temps. The garden didn't do well at all. So until then we have a "water trailer" and a pond. I wash our laundry using pond water. For the first year, I had a washboard. Yup, a good ole washboard. Now I have a wringer washer that I run with the generator.

Whatever the case losing my temper was the last thing I needed to do considering that I've ran water out before as well...

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