Monday, April 30, 2012

Where has April gone?

Busy all the time.. you'd think I'd have time to read or something while I'm nursing my 3 month old... but I generally try to doze.

I've been working on making cheese.. seems lime all I do lately. It's even made it hard to get in the garden (and it shows). This is manchego after its first press, getting flipped, redressed and returned to the press.

It's been pretty dry around here lately. But last night it dumped! And poured! We got 6" of rain in less than 12 hours. Now it's flooded everywhere. Not really how we needed rain. Really would've preferred that over a few weeks. But I suppose that's just how it goes.

I've got sweet potato slips coming along! I'm going to have to plant some soon. There'll be a few slips ready before too long.

Whatever the case I just keep puttering along.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of making cheese and some day I hope to start doing it. Right now I have too much on my plate.
