Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Breeds of Cattle: Ayrshire

Ah, Ayrshire cattle... this is my least favorite breed thus far. Though we were able to obtain good qualiomty cattle their personality was best described as "naughty." I'd have to agree after handling them for the last year. Now, it could be other herds have better mannered animals but I don't know on that part. These cows are the ones that kick the tar out of you! Now, of the 3 pure Ayrshires we have one that is a high producer and throws huge tantrums; the next loves leading the herd where I don't want them to go and the third I actually like. Though she had a few issues she's the most trainable and the best milker. Awesome body type and a beautiful udder.

Herd integration into a mixed breed herd has been poor. They are the bottom and their attitudes and overreactions keep them there. In fact, it makes them the butt of jokes. The other cows purposely bully them for the sheer entertainment value. How do I know this? It's entertaining to watch.

Their milk is meant for cheese. I don't mind drinking their milk but I prefer the drinking quality of milk from my other breeds my favorite being Milking Devon.

Rural Heritage rates the temperament of Ayrshire oxen as "active and challenging." I would say the same goes for the cows. So this is a breed not meant for the faint of heart.

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