Monday, November 12, 2012

Dorking Chickens

So many times something seems and appears to be a most excellent idea as an addition to the farm... and 75% of the time it ends up being a flop. A huge HUGE flop!!

Our latest, Dorking chickens. On paper, looks fantastic and perfect. Spent a lot of time reading about them on breeder boards and such but sometimes you miss that one crucial question that can make or break you. In their case, it has to do with eggs laying.

When we first got breeding stock we kept them in breeding group pens. That was more our fault because they really didn't get enough sunlight to be productive. So, we let them free roam. The hens were refusing to roost in the coop. It took an owl nearly killing one (we were able to stop the killing process I'm time and chase the owl off) to get all the hens to roost in the coop. The roosters work pretty diligently to gather all of them up as well.

Now they are roosting in the coop but they lay their eggs every where! Once you find their nest, they move it. It's rather difficult to get eggs to hatch or eat if you can't find them. We're just a tad frustrated ...

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